Exhibition Valebö Specialty (N) 29.06.2024

Chiqui Bears Petter

Catalog No: 1
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT-R
Written critics: 3 yr old black male, medium size, very nice prop, head is prop for body, very good bite, very nice eye, muzzle is prop to depth and width, nice top skull, earset is very good as is their size, little more neck, front angulation is very good lay of shoulde aswell, chest is good width and depth, spring of ribs good, he holds excellent topline, there is enough turn of stiffle, tailset is good, length just okay, moving away i could take a little more width but he is okay, coming he is very good, very nice balance in profile

Gigalalines Ceddicus Cooper

Catalog No: 2
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 3 yr old black male, nice size and good prop, nice strength of head, good depth of muzzle which has good whidt, nice shape eyes, good stopp, good strength to top skull nice width and shape, earset is corect, neck is okay, front angle is good, lay of shoulder good, chest is nice and deep, maybe a little more balanced width, he has good spring to ribs, very good topline, nice strong over the loin, good angles to croup, tailset okay, lenght is okay, carries a little up on the move, angle of stiffle is good, when he moves away, he is not quite parallell, as he swings his feet, nice in profile, nice reach, holding topline very well

Bikkjehaugens Zebastian

Catalog No: 3
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 3 yr old black male, strong in appearance, nice size, and well prop, with strong bone, storng head piece, muzzle is very deep, good whidth good bite, nice shape eyes, topp is correct, nice strong top skull, earset i okay, neck is strong ,maybe a little more, in length, front angulaition good, length of foreleg okay, deep chest okay, good strong bone, angle of pasterns jnust a little down, plenty spring of ribs, nice level bakc,good over croup, tailset is okay, as is length and angle of stiffle is good, he moved cleanyl and steadily both going and coming, nice in profile, correct footfold

Fagergärds I Never Walk Alone

Catalog No: 4
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 2 yr old black male, nice size, good prop ,head is storng enough for body, nice clean muzzle and fluse, good shape eye, enough topskull ,well set ears, good length of neck ,chest is deep enough, and has some good whidth, bone prop to size, front angle are just okay, a fraction up in upper arm, back is okay, topline good, strong enough over the loing angle of corup good, rear slightly higer than front, needs more angle to stiffle, tail is just short, feet are nice, presents good outline, moved cleanly going and coming, nicely balanced

Ebenakis Doc Hudson

Catalog No: 5
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 3.5 yr old black male, nice prop, could take a little more bone for size, very attractive head, overall could be stronger, muzzle is clean the fluse vrery good with nice pigment, the stopp is correct, good shape to the eyes, and good bite, little more top skull, ears are nice size, enough neck, well angulated on front, the chest has depth but lacks a little width, holds a ggood topline, has enough spring to ribs, strong enough over his loin, nice angle to croup, tailset is okay, but he carries this too high on the move, good angle to his stiffle, he moved away cleanly, coming he pins just a little, in profile his foot fold is good nad heas nice reach, topline is held but picture is spoiled by the tail

Schimos Highway 61 Revisited

Catalog No: 6
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4.BHK
Written critics: 4 yr old male, verygood size and excellent substance, good strong head, nice deep muzzle, good length to muzzle, strong skull, correct bite, eyes a little tight, good earset, good neck, good front angulation, good depths excellent whidth chest, good spring of ribs, excellent topline, well set croup, good tail, nice angle of stiffle, very well balanced dog that moved cleanly coming and going, topline held on move

King of Helluland Banderas

Catalog No: 7
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2.BHK
Written critics: 3 y/o black male, excellent siz,e very good prop, nice strong head, plenty of depth for muzzle, good whidth, correct bite good shape to eyes, nice top skull, good earset, nice reach of neck, depth of chest very, good foreleg length very good, chest whidt okay, holds topline, nice angle to croup and tailset, very good angle of stiffle, he is clean and corerct going, coming he just throws his righ leg a little, excellent moving in profile with excellent rear, nice in rear, excellent topline

Little Bears Giulio Cesare

Catalog No: 8
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1.BHK, BOS
Written critics: 8yr old black male, very nice size excellent prop, very strong head, nice deep muzzle, good tight flus, excellent width to muzzle, nice eye shape, plenty top skull, very good nice ear,s enough neck, fornt angulation very good, enough length of leg for size, chest depth and whidt good, bone to match and complement size, holds topline superbly well strong over the loin, plenty of angle, good tailset and length, clean moving and excellent foot placement with reach and drive

Fagergärds Fantastiske Fritjof

Catalog No: 9
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 4yr old black male, okay size, well prop, good stong head with good depth and width to muzzle, bite is okay, eyes just a little round, plenty of top skull, nice earset, well angle in front, good depth as width, more length to foreleg, back is straight ,excellent spring to ribs, nice and striong to loin, good angle stiffle and croup, just a little up on the rear, moves very clean coming and going nice reach and drive in profile, holds topline excellent

Gigalalines Bazil

Catalog No: 10
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 4 yr old okay marked white and black nice size and good prop, head in prop to substance, clean muzzle, nice fluse, good shape eye, and correct bite, top skull is okay, nice reach of neck, front angulation is good, he has good depth to his chest, could have more widht, topline held well, strong over loin, good angle of croup, tail of good length, moved a little close going and coming very good, balanced in profile

Chiqui Bears Obelix

Catalog No: 11
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 5 yr old brown male, very nice size and good prop, good strength of head, nice clean muzzle, good depth nice whidth, nice shape eyes, good top skull, he has enough neck, nicely angulated front, chest depth very good, whidth just a little more, which causes him to throw right leg coming towards, strong bone, excellent feet, holds very good topline, nice spring of ribs, nice croup, good angle to stiffle, moved cleanly enough going, steady with correct foot fold

Fagergärds Divock Origi

Catalog No: 12
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 7 yr old black male, medium size, very good prop, nice strong head, very good muzzle, nice depth and width, very good eye shape, enouhg prop skull, neck is okay, well angled front, chest depth is good, as is width, nice strong bone to compliment, i could take little more length in foreleg, well sprung in rib, back is level, nice low set hocks, good feet, moved cleanly going and coming, very balanced in profile showing some nice reach and drive

Trollnuffens Artige Sofus Ice

Catalog No: 13
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 6 yr old male, okay for size, nice in prop, head prop just okay for size, good bite, eyes of very good shape, could be a fraction darker, nice clean muzzle, correct stopp, good earset, well set neck, on to good shoulder, well angled front, holds his foreleg well under his whithers, nice depth of chest, good topline with nice spring of ribs, nice turn to stiffle, moved cleanly going, coming good also, profile very steady showing correct foot placement

Lasydogs I Am Zlatan

Catalog No: 14
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 4 yr old brown male, excellent siz,e very good prop, strong head to balance, good bite, correct shape eyes, very good muzzle shape with nice whidth, good strength to top skull, earset is very good, nice reach to his neck, front angulation okay, excellent length to foreleg, chest whidth is good, and he has enough, bone is very strong, he holds a very good topline, nice sprung ribs, strong enough over loin, tail set is good, could take a little more turn of stiffle, when he goes away hes a little closer to hock, very good coming ,excells in profile, showing excellent reach and drive and holding topline

Coolbears Kenworth W900 L

Catalog No: 15
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BHK
Written critics: 2 yr old black male, very nice size, very well prop head strenth and balance is correct ,good depth to muzzle and enough whidth, fluse could be a little tighter, nice shape eyes and correct bitem good top skull, good reach fo neck, front angultation very good, good length to foreleg, which he holds nice and straight, nice depth of chest, enough whidth, nice spring to ribs, holds good topline, very good nagle to corup good length to tail, plenty of turn to stiffle to hold topline on the move, going away, i could take him a little more prallell, coming very good, excells in profile movement excellent reach and holds topline

Chiqui Bears Hhagbart

Catalog No: 16
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 9.5 yrs old, brown male, excellent size, nice prop, very good substance, excellent bone, pleasing expression, good bite, nice clean muzzle, well shaped eye, very good earset and shape, nice neck, holds a good topline, nice spring to ribs, very good turn of stiffle, he moved nice and clean going away, coming was good and he was balanced with correct foot fold

Ohois Whatever I Know My ABC

Catalog No: 18
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT-R
Written critics: 17 months black female, presenting an excellnt outline, very nice sizze, well prop, plenty of substance, very attractive expression, good bite, well shaped eyes, nice depth of muzzle, plenty of width, good top skull, nice reach of neck, excellent front angulation, good laid shoulder, nice straight fore legs of good lengths, good bone, correct angle of pasterns, plenty of depths in chest nice width, nice level topline, strong over the loin, very good angle of croup, well set tail, good angle of stiffle, moved cleanly coming and going, very good profile movement with excellent foot placement

Matrosbamsen Tove

Catalog No: 19
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 22 months oldbrown female, presents a nice outline, good size nince prop, enough bone for size, nice expression, bite good eyes well shaped, she has enough top for substance, really nice reach of neck, front angulation a little up on the upper arm, also reflected in stiffle, nice length to forelegs, good width to chest, holds back level, nice spring to ribs, a little up over the loin, tail set is good and croupe angle is okay, hocks are quite low, moves a little narrow, and in profile she could show more reach, overall nice balance, good outline

Bear Croft Future As A Star

Catalog No: 20
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT
Written critics: 22 months black female, very nice size prop and balance, plenty of substance, very pretty expression, very good bite, excellent eyeshape and colour, good depth of muzzle, good stopp, nice top skull, leading to a good reach of neck, frotn angulation and shoulder placement excellent , she has nice length to foreleg, and holds them straight good angle to pastern, nice chest, excellent topline, plenty of spring to the ribs, nice loin, excellent angle to croup, very good turn to staffle, nice low hocks, this enables her to move freely, she excells with balance and profile movement

Bear Croft Fast And Furious

Catalog No: 21
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT
Written critics: 22 months black male,very nice size, excellent prop, plenty of head for his size, realy nice storng muzzle, wwith depth and width, excellent bite, nice eyeshape and colour, correct in stopp, plenty of top skull with good earset, very nice neck, in length and strength, very good front angulaiton, he holds his foreleg directly beneath his whither, very good depth and whidt to chest, pstrong bone, nice feet, good spring to ribs, very good topline, which he holds on move, strong loin, good nagle of croup taliset, angle of stiffle is good and hocks low enough, he has very good ratio of foreleg to hight, which give him and excellent profile, moves okay going away and very good coming, excells in profile excellent reach and drive

Gamla Bodens My Kind of Girl

Catalog No: 22
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 2 yr old white and black female, nice size, good prop, i could take a little more substance, pleasing expression, bite is correct, eyes are well shaped nad dark, very clean muzzle nice depth, could have more top skull, has good reach of neck, she has a good lay of shoulder, forearm a little shallow, holds forelg straight, hold topline well, croup angle is good, good turn of stiffle, moving she is clean going away, coming is okay, but i would like to see more extension and drive from rear, she presents a nice profile and moves okay

Swe-Newfs Bumblebee

Catalog No: 23
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 2.5 yr old black female, very nice size, sweet expression, very good bite, very good eyeshape, nice square muzzle, good depth, nice angle of stopp, with enouhg top skull and good earshape, good reach of neck, good angle in front, good lay to shoulder, straight legs, very good angle of pasterns chest is deep and wide enough, good topline, strong over the loin, nice angle to stiffle, good tailset, carries a little on the move, she moves cleanly coming and going, balanced in profile holding her topline well

Fagergärds I Love You

Catalog No: 24
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 2 yr old white and black, nice size well balanced in prop, with good bone for size, very attractive expression, good depth of muzzle, very nice eyeshape, good topskull and nice earset, very good reach to neck, well laid on shoulders, very good front angulation, could have a little more length to foreleg, nice angles to pasterns, good feet, she has nice depth to chest, and plenty of whidth, nice ribs, holds back straight, rises a little over the loin, the tail is well set, just a fraction short, move very clean going, very straight coming, nicely balanced in profile with excellent footfold, showing some nice reach and drive

Fagergärds Grand Reserva Espesial

Catalog No: 25
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 4 yr old black female, very nice size balance prop, attractive head, very good muzzle, with nice width, good flues, good shape eye, very well set and shaped ears, very nice neck, nice lay to shoulder, nice and straight in foreleg, good depth to chest with enough wits, enouhg level topline, good angle to croup, move cleanly coming and going, shows nice reach and drive, balanced topline

Ohois Whatever Floats Your Boat

Catalog No: 26
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4.BTK
Written critics: 6 yr old black female, very nice size excellent prop, showing plenty of substance, very good head, bite correct eyeshape good, muzzle deep and square, top skull very good with nice reach to neck, frot angulaiton is just right, nice depth to chest with plenty of width, excellent spring of ribs, very good topline, she has lovely flow from loin, excellent turn of stiffle, clean going in movement and coming, shows reach and drive, head and topline very level

Auroranewfs Can´t Get Enough

Catalog No: 27
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BTK
Written critics: 2 yr old black female, very nice size very well prop with plenty of substance, beautiful headpiece, strong but fem, excellent muzzle square, lovely eyeshape, correct bite, lot of top skull and good earset, excellent reach of neck, front angulaiton very good plenty lay of shoulder, forelegs are held stright, excellent feet, topline is held very well, very strong over loin, good angle of croup, nice low set hocks, moves cleanly coming and going free flow in profile, shows good reach and drive

Ohois Whatever Tickles Your Pickle

Catalog No: 28
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1.BTK, BOB
Written critics: 3 yrs old black female, very nice size substance prop and overall balance, very pretty expression, correct in bite, godo eyeshape, nice muzzle square, enough stopp, good earset, nice reach to neck, well angled in front ,enouhg length in leg, forelegs nice and stright, plenty nice chest, back is very strong, very well ribbed, angle of croup is very good, length is also good, very nice angle to stiffle, nice low hocks, moves clean, excellns in profile movment, nice reach and drive

Coolbears Galway Girl 4 Ebenaki

Catalog No: 29
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 6.5yr old black female, very nicely balanced, good size very well prop, nice head piece good muzzle, correct bite, well shaped eyes, top skull is okay, neck is enough, well angled in front, enough length in foreleg, nice and straight, good angle of pastern, holds very good topline, nice spring to her ribs, very strong over loin, very well muscle throughout in good condition, croup and stiffle angle correct, move cleanly out and back ,shows steady movement with correct footfold

Coolbears Keep Morning Rain

Catalog No: 30
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2.BTK
Written critics: 2yrs old black female, very nice size, good balance throughout, very attractive head, correct depth in muzzle, excellent eyshape good bite enough topskull, good earset, nice reach to her neck, very well angeld to front, has enough length to foreleg, plenty of bone, good depth, enough with to chest, holds very good topline, would like to see more spring to the ribs, strong over the loin, very good angles in croup and stiffle, nice low hocks, very clean movment ,show excellent reach and drive holding level topline

Ohois Whatever Bakes Your Cake

Catalog No: 31
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: 3 yr old black female, very nice size, good prop, nice substance, good head for size, very attractive, neice depth of clean muzzle, lovely eyes, good reach neck, well angled in fornt, nice deep chest, straight forlegs, enough bone for size, well covered, very strong over loin, very good angle to croup, nice low hocks, very clean movement, steady correct in profile

Fagergärds Fare from The Shallow

Catalog No: 32
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: very nice balanced 4 yr old black female, very attractive head, nice muzzle, depth to width ratio, good bite, lovly eyeshape, nice top skull plenty of reach to neck,very well angled, nice deep chest with plety of width, nice and straight, good pasterns and good feet plenty spring of ribs, nice level topline, strong over loin, good croupe, nice tailset, plenty turn of stiffle, nice low hocks, clean movement, very good balance, nice reach and drive in profile

Bikkjehaugens Lykketroll

Catalog No: 33
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Doug Bedford (GB)
Written critics: a very nicely constructed 8.5 yr female, good size well prop with plenty of substance nice balanced head, good depth and width of the muzzle, nice topskull and good reach of neck, shoulder placement is excellent, she holds her forelegs nice and straight, good spring to ribs, topline is just starting to go a little, nice angle to corup, good turn of stifle nice low hocks, nice tailset, she moves so clean going and coming with nice balance in profile, corret footfold